Friday 10 July 2020

Shareholder Management Software

Accurate and speedy management of data and information of the numerous shareholders of a company is always important. So important, in fact, that getting an excellent shareholder management software is a great addition to invest in for your growing company.

This software is becoming a popular system due to its efficient and convenient performance in monitoring and handling of each shareholder’s registry. This combines the latest tools and technologies that afford quick data management, a manageable interface, and customizable to your preferences.

Main Features

To list a few important features of this shareholder management software:
  1. General Meeting – Supports each general meeting conducted by shareholders.
  2. Registry – Includes regulatory obligations plus the requirement of listed companies. Updates, dividends, how many stocks possessed and collaterals are all 
  3. listed and made available whenever you need these.
  4. Auto Grouping – As you set it as the user, it can create investors groups using complex criteria that you have chosen.
  5. IR Reporting – You can have access to at least 30 specialized reports with historical fluctuations under the registry of shareholders. 
  6. MIS Pricing – shows transactions of shareholders including historical data such as the opening, closing prices, highs and lows. Estimate costs for acquisition, selling prices and P&L of each investor or group of investors is also available. 
  7. Outsourcing service made available with SaaS
Why Get Shareholder Management Software

Some of the benefits of having this shareholder management software include:
  1. User-friendly and good interface
  2. Customizable to company requirements with its modular construction
  3. Expert and specialized consultants available, especially in times of emergencies
  4. Quick and Well-trained customer support
  5. Easy and convenient selection on reports
Why Choose Shaparency’s Shareholder Management Software

Shaparency is dedicated to providing quality shareholder management software that provides you an edge in the most advanced management tool for the shareholders of your company. From the easy and hassle-free updating of shareholder’s to keeping these updates properly and providing a secure way of informing the shareholders of the changes recently made, this software allows you to do all these and more. What’s more, the installations follow your company’s specified requirements to allow you to get the highest possible returns on investment all the while strengthening better and faster communication channels. 

All in all, having this software can provide you and your shareholders an excellent tool to keep their registration records properly listed and updated. In addition, keeping these sensitive records secure but easily updated and allowing other functions for the better information and performance of the shareholders should give a great impression of your company to your shareholders. So, choose the shareholder management software today when you contact Shaparency. For other questions and consultation, feel free to call here.